week 10 reading create tasks 2024


Hi bloggers

today I have finished my reading create task!!!

and now I am going to tell you how to do it,

first you need to read a book that you chose from book choices, then you read it with a group, then you go to the senior learning site and press reading,

then, you read the three texts, and then you start you create task, the Walt is:skim read to locate specific information and retell.

 then you grab your book and write the charterers in your book, then say what your favourite charterer is and write why, then you need to write five adjectives about your favourite charterer then you need to take a photo of it and screenshot it, then you blog it!!!

( I did not really like this create task because you need to do it in your book )


Here is my work 。◕‿◕。



Hi bloggers again!!! (◠‿◕)

I have finished my second create task!!!

so first you go to the senior learning site and press on the picture,

you press on it then you start your second create task,you need to watch the video to get information,

you need to write facts in the boxes, then you needed to highlight the most interesting facts you had learnt

then you write the title of your book on the middle when your done you start to blog it!!!

( I really like this create task because you can do it on your Chromebook )


here is my work.


week 9 reading create tasks 2024 📗


Hello bloggers!!

my reading teacher is miss Hanrahan and today, I am going to tell you how to start your first crate task, but before that you need to read a book from book choices,

then you go to the senior learning site and click on reading, the Walt is: skim reading locate specific information and retell,

 then you read/watch the three texts, when you finished watching/reading them, you start your crate task!!

and you need to do it on your book, then you see the instructions on the senior learning site,

you need to write what the characters are, then you need to say what your favourite characters and write why, then you write five adjectives about your character, when you finished you blog it 😺


( I did not like this create task because we need to do it in our books )


here is my first create task 😁




Hi bloggers!!

today I have finished my second create task, and now I am going to tell you how to do it.

So first, you go to the senior learning site and press on reading,

then you need to click on the picture, then on the circles, you need to write facts about your book that you chose,  choices, and on the middle,

there will be a square, and you need to write the title I think 🤔


( I really liked this crate task because you don’t need to do it on your book )


here is my work 😄


Hi bloggers!!

today I finished my last reading create task!!!

and know I am going to tell you how to do your create task 😁

So first, you go to Canva and make a video,

then you need to write a summary about your book that you got from book choices, then you blog it,

it is a bit easy but if you don’t know how to put it in your blog, then I am going to tell you how to do it,

first you press share, then you scroll down to the very bottom and press more, then you press embed and copy the top code, and this is how you embed it, but you can download it to.


( I really liked this create task because you get to use canva 😁)

here is my work😃



week 8 reading create task 2024 📚


Hi bloggers!!

today I finished my first create task in reading today!!

the Walt is:summarise( in detail)  in your own words

you first need to read the book by yourself then you need to read it with your group, when your finished, you go to the school learning and read/watch the three texts on the bottom,

when you did it, you start your first create task and you need to get your reading book and write ten facts about your book that you read,

when you finished, you go back to the leaning site and click on the link that says flip and you press on it then you need to record yourself reading the ten facts in your book when you finished you blog it!!!.

I really like this create task  because I like using flip. 😺


here is my work.



And here is my flip.



Hello bloggers!

today I have finished my second create task!!!!

and know I am going to tell you how to do it 😄

first you go into canva and make a video,then you need to record yourself reading two pages of your book that you chose from book choices,you only need to read two pages of your book so its not a lot and you get to choose the two pages 😁

then when you finished you start to blog it you can download your canva or you can embed it but I usually embed it.

(I didn’t really like this create task because you need to record)


Here is my work 😺



Hello bloggers

the 3rd create task was about a kahoot!!! but you first need to do the planning sheet,

you need to go to the senior learning site and click on reading, then you can find the planning sheet of you can ask someone,

when you finished you go to kahoot, if you  need to log in then just continue with google and you need to create a kahoot 😁,

kahoot might be a bit tricky so just ask your friend or your reading teacher,

when you finished you blog it!!!!!!

(sorry, I did not finish the last create task)

Week 7 reading create tasks📚


Hi bloggers!!!!!

today I have finished my 1st create task today!!!!

Walt: summarise (in detail) in my own words

the books are different to last weeks and I chose a jiu jujitsu and you needed to read the book, when you finished reading the book, you look at the three texts,

when you finished seeing them you start art your first create task you first get your book and a pencil, then you write 10 facts about your book that you read,

when you finished, you go to the school learning site, then you go to the link that says flip and you record yourself reading the facts that you wrote on you your book.


here is my work



here is my flip.



Hi bloggers!!!

today I have finished my second create task!!!

you need to go to the school learning site and go to reading then you go to the link that says planning sheet and you make a copy,

you need this planning sheet because you need to make a kahoot so you need this planning sheet to plan your questions, the questions need to be about your book, when you finished your questions,

then you need to go to google and search kahoot then you go to the 1st link and you make one

when you finished you blog!!!!!!!

here is my planning sheet


here is my kahoot.

click here to play the fun kahoot



today I have finished my 3rd create task!!!

you needed to go to canva and make a video then you need to record yourself reading two pages

of your book, you might want to put some pictures in so you can and my book is about jiu jujitsu so I will read about jiu jujitsu, when your finished you blog it but if you don´t know how to, then I will tell you.

First you go the top button called share, then you scroll to the very bottom  that says more,then,  on the top it says embed and you press on it, then you copy the top code then you insert it in your blog.

and thats how you insert your canva.


Here is my work


week 6 reading create tasks


Hi bloggers!!!!

Today I have finished my create task 1!!!!!!!!!

The Walt is: Reorganise information to gain understanding of the texts and wider world

my reading teacher is Miss H and I read a book about art again, I read something about painting the town,

when you finished reading your book, you go to the school learning site and read the three texts, they are called, the scaffolding text, the  complementary text and the challenge text.

when you are finished you start your first create task and now I am going to tell you how to do it.

First, you go to the school learning, then you go to the link that says 10 interesting facts, then you make a copy, then you write 10 facts about the art that you learned about.

when you finished that, you go onto canva and make a video, then you need to copy the facts into the video, you might want to insert some photos. (when you finished blogging this task, you start your other one)

I like this create task because you get to use canva.



Hi bloggers!!!!!!!!!!!!!

today I have finished my second create task!!!!!!

I am going to tell you how to do it now.

First, you go to your google drive,then you need to make a google drawing, you know I have been reading about painting the town right????

you need to make a painting/drawing on your google drawing then you MUST write a paragraph under your artwork and write about what materials you need to make the art in real life.

(when you finished the second create task, you start your third create task)

I really liked this create task because it is so funny.

here is my second create task



Hi bloggers!!!

today I have finished my third create task!!!!!!

and now I am going to tell you how to do it.

First, you need to go to the school learning site and go to the link that says Christchurch art gallery, then you press on it and you see all kinds of art, you need to choose a art and you need to write a report about it, then you need to go back to the school learning site and press on the link that says newspaper, if you can’t write on it then you write the facts in your book, when you finished you take a photo of it and write a good description about your create task then you screenshot your photo of your photo then you put it in your blog then you publish it and update it!!!!!

(I didn’t really like this create task because it is kind of confusing)


Here is my work



week 5 reading create tasks📕📘

HI bloggers!!!!!


today I finished my first create task!!! my reading teacher was Miss H and the walt is: reorganise information to gain and understanding of the text and wider world 

and the books are about art and I chose a book telling you about earth art/aboriginal  art, when you finished reading the book, you go in the school leaning and read the three texts,

when your done you start your first create tasks!!!!!, it has 2 tasks in it, the first task was writing 10 facts about your art from your book and I wrote facts about earth art or you could say aboriginal art,

then you go into canva and make a video, and write your facts from your first task.


this is the first task in create task one.


this is the second.

Hi bloggers!!!!!
I have finished my second create task and this time it is only 1 task and now I am going to tell you how to do it.
first you go into google drive and make a google drawing, then you create a digital peace of  art, I didn’t really know what digital means so I got one from google,then you need to write a paragraph about what the materials, you need to make the art in real life!!
here is my second create task.
Hi bloggers
today I didn’t finished my 3rd create task because tomorrow is teacher only day and it is so confusing because I can’t understand what it is so I recommend not to use the same create task next week.

week 4 reading create tasks📚


Hi bloggers!!

today I have finished my 1st create task!!

my reading teacher was miss hanrahan, and the books was about new Zealand famous people and I talked about was  AJ Hakett, but before you start your create task, you need to see the scaffolding text, the complementary text and the challenge text, and now I am going to tell you how to do your first create  task.


First, you go into canva and make a poster, then, you write 1 fact in each text, then, you write another fact so you might need to search it up facts from google, then you need to insert 2 or more photos about your New Zealand famouse person.


when your finished you write a good disription then you insert your create task here then you start your other create task  and now I am going to show you my work.

Date: 21/5/2024
Hi bloggers again
I have finished my second create task It was a diary entry you had to imagine that you are the famous chosen person and you write a thing that happened to him and what he did and imagine what he is feeling, you might need to search things up from google to get more information, and now I am going to show you my work.
When you published your second create task, you start your last create task 😄

                                        Dear diary

 I, AJ hakett, invented bungie and now I am going to try the bungie if it works. I am going to the EIFFEL TOWER to try it, I  hope it works!!!!

I am so nervous and also excited but don’t worry I have friends……..

I tried it!!!!!! And I worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so happy!!!!Hi bloggers!!!


HI BLOGGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

today I have finish my last  create task!!!!

my reading teacher was miss hanrahan, today is Friday, so today is finishing time so now I am going to tell you how to do the last create task.

First you go into Pixton and make a comic, you need to you need to show a event or what your famous person did when he is young and I talked about AJ Hakett!!!!!

you might need to search things up from google because maybe you don’t know what he did  and now I am going to insert my work now.

week 3 reading create tasks📚📙


Hi bloggers,

today at reading I had  finished my first create task, is was about New Zealand famous people! you had  to read a book and I talked about a New Zealand swimmer called Sophie pascoe you had to listen to the three texts to get more information then you do your first create task on canva, you needed to write one of the  facts from one of the texts then you need to write a fact that is not in the texts so you might need to see the facts on google then you write it on your canva poster then you write the major achievements and now I am going to show you my work.

Hi bloggers!!
today I have finished my second create task!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was a diary entry and you had to do it on a google doc and  you had to write about  what you think your famous person is thinking about andnow I am going to insert my work now then I am going to insert my 3rd create task when I am done 😄😃

Dear diary 

Today I am going to a fantastic Olympic swimming competition.

I was so excited and also nervous that I had to do 100m freestyle.

When I finished, I got 2 gold medals I was so tired and very, very happy.

Week 2 reading create tasks 2024


Hi bloggers today i have done my first create task for week 2, but before you start your create tasks you had to read a book about famous people! and my famous person that I read was Thomas Edison

I am going to tell you how to do the first create task.You had to write facts about your famous person (that you read about) and it was on paper, then when you finished, you put it in your book,

then you insert it in your blog an that is what I am going to do now then I start my other create task.

Hi bloggers today I have finished my second create task, I didn’t quite know how to do it but I tried my best so now I am going to show  you my second create task

Hi bloggers,

Today I have finished my third create task! you had to do it on canva, you needed to put the facts in your third create task I really like the create tasks and now I am going to insert the thi

reading create tasks week 1 2024

Hi bloggers!!


today I have finished my first create task in reading!!! we talked about famous people and my book is called Walt Disney, my first create task is you need to write your facts like, the famous quote, what your famous person is famous for, and the date of birth we know  the facts because we see the scaffolding text, the complementary text and the challenge text it was fun and we needed to do the first create task in paper it was so big and it was hard taking a photo of it after taking a photo of the create task, you screen shot it then you put it in your blog then you just put the other create task in your blog and now I am going to insert my first create task


Hi bloggers!!

I have finished my second create task!! my famous person that I talked about is Walt Disney,  my create task 2 was called My Research map and you had to do it on a google drawing, and you need to name it and then you save it in your reading folder and now I am going to show you how to do it, you just had to write 6 facts about your famous person so now I am going to insert my second create task now!!

Hi bloggers, I have finished my last create task! you had to do it on canva, and you had to put your create task 1 and 2 together to put all the information in canva but you don’t put your create task 1 and 2 in your canva video so it  it is just like putting facts in your create task and now I am going to put my last create task here